Service pricing

Lease FlexiCube device

Item Price/month
Lease FlexiCube device – Basic * 280 CZK
Lease a FlexiCube device – Comfort ** 360 CZK

* the Basic program includes FlexiCube device lease, payment for connectivity, access to the monitoring web portal in a basic mode (without the option to set device parameters, without any analytical function, alarm notifications or user defined outputs), minimal contractual period is 24 months, with option to buy the device after contract expiry for 100,- Czk

** the Comfort program includes FlexiCube device lease, payment for connectivity, access to the monitoring web portal in a complete mode (option to set device parameters, additional analytical functions, alarm notifications, user defined outputs), servis support, minimal contractual period is 24 months, with option to buy the device after contract expiry for 100,- Czk


Buy a FlexiCube device

Item Price
FlexiCube device S (GPS, accelerometer, approximate temperature, tilt, contact) * 4 000 CZK
FlexiCube device NB (GPS, accelerometer, approximate temperature, tilt, contact) * 5 000 CZK

* price does not include connectivity charges, access to the monitoring web portal, service support


Services for bought FlexiCube device

Item unspecified 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years*
Access to the monitoring web portal FlexiPortal for FlexiCube device – Basic 100 CZK 92 CZK 84 CZK 80 CZK 78 CZK 76 CZK
Access to the monitoring web portal FlexiPortal for FlexiCube device – Comfort 180 CZK 165 CZK 151 CZK 144 CZK 140 CZK 136 CZK
Service support for FlexiCube device 50 CZK 46 CZK 42 CZK 40 CZK 39 CZK 38 CZK

* contractual period


FlexiCube device extensions

Item Price
temperature, humidity on request
ultrasonic distance measurement (up to 10m) on request
air quality (temperature, humidity, pressure, VOC) on request
motion sensor on request
smoke sensor on request
flood sensor on request
magnetic contact on request
thermostat (optimalization of heating) on request
others on request


All prices do not include VAT.